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Feb. 23, 2015
 Town of Princeton, Mass. – Feb. 23, 2015  - Minutes  -  BOARD OF SELECTMEN   
6:00 PM   The meeting was called to order in the Town Hall Annex.  Present were Chairman Neil Sulmasy, Edith Morgan, Stan Moss, and interim T.A. Robert Reed

New Business
Board voted all in favor to purchase (buy-back) from Ann Littlefield a 2-body Lot 11A in Woodlawn Cemetery for a total price of $100 and signed the deed.
        They voted all in favor to appoint Kyle Lyford as Parks & Recreation Alternate for a term to expire 6/30/15.
        They discussed payment of a separating employee's (John L.) accumulated vacation pay through a Reserve Fund transfer of $6,614.32. Bob R. noted that the town accountant advised that the TA Salary budget would suffice without a Reserve Fund transfer at this time, and to wait until end of FY’15 to tap the Reserve Fund if it becomes necessary. The selectmen declined action on the item.
        A notice from DCR was presented, reporting that they were in the process of acquiring 151 acres of land--mostly wetland--fronting on Rhodes and Thompson Road. The board voted all in favor to waive the 120 day notification (Under Chapter 61). Stan as clerk signed the document attesting that the proposal was publically announced, and Neil signed the waiver of the 120 days.
        Neil read aloud a letter from Library Trustees praising John L.’s support, over the years, of the library.
6:15 PM  The board considered FY 16 Budget Development for Goodnow Mem. Library along with Advisory Board members, David Cruze, John Shipman and Wayne Adams. Library Trustee Jane Weisman was in with Director Mary Barroll. Trustees Deb Simeone and Tina Paradiso were also in attendance.
        The budget was broken into line items on a document distributed to both boards. The total, including salaries, was up $6,572 from $167,320 in FY’15 to $173,892 in FY’16. On the expenses side, it was mainly due to spikes in heating oil and an extra $1,000 for E-books. The two reported that the elevator has been costly to maintain and that heating the building has become more of a challenge in recent years and they are eager to get a report when the facilities study is completed. Ms. Barroll had submitted a capital fund request to correct a former accounting error, but selectmen and Bob advised her that a reserve fund transfer was more appropriate, as a capital request required a vote at town meeting while monies from the reserve fund is available immediately after approval by selectmen and Advisory Board. She agreed to withdraw the capital request and submit a reserve fund request for the next BOS meeting.
        Ms. Weisman thanked town officials for being so supportive of the library and supplying funding, especially for maintenance. Neil noted that the library provides about 162 children’s programs each year, serving 2,278 youngsters, along with numerous programs for adults. Stan thanked them and said that the board would take the library budget under consideration.
6:50 PM  The board continued on a schedule/plan for hire of town administrator and Bob reported that he had been in touch with Dick Kobayashi at the Collins Center at UMass. Stan outlined what’s been done to date and insisted that they wanted a 60 day turnaround. As a state agency the Collins Center is exempt from Chapt. 30B procurement requirements. The board voted all in favor to: authorize Bob R. to engage with the Collins Center; to authorize the Select Board chairman to sign their contract and to prepare a Reserve Fund transfer of $5,000 into the Selectmen’s Expense Account to pay Collins Center and have Advisory Board and BOS sign the request at the March 9 BOS meeting.
        The board noted that Brackett & Lucas was closing its doors as of the end of June and the town needs to find new legal counsel. Bob agreed to research other surrounding towns for opinions on their town counsel services.
7:14 PM  A discussion on Conservation Commission parameters began, questioning the need for the current seven-member board when it could be five. The selectmen appoint the commissioners and research has shown that they have the authority to determine its size. Cons. Commissioner Sue Mitchell was in attendance, and said that in the eight months she’s been on the board, there has always been a quorum of at least four members. The selectmen are concerned about keeping seven members active and requiring a quorum of four as opposed to three if it was a five-member board. They agreed to have the chairman, John Viera, attend their next meeting and invite the whole commission as well. John V. will also be asked about the status of his board’s “associate” members who have no voting power as an alternate member would.

Old Business
7:30 PM  Stan suggested having an “Appreciation Event” for John L.  Board agreed on a Saturday afternoon at the Mountain Barn and allocate $1,000 for food and be open to all. Dates could be March 21 or 28 and let John L. choose which.

Other Business
7:35 PM  Board voted all in favor to recess selectmen meeting and open Broadband MLP Committee meeting
Board voted all in favor: to approve minutes of Dec. 1; appoint Bob R. at MLP manager and have Bob replace John L. on the negotiating team with Matrix. Stan reported that an operating agreement, required by bond counsel and by Mass. Broadband Initiative, will be put together by the Broadband Committee in laymen’s terms, then get an agreement from Matrix and then legal approval. They would get this done within two weeks.
7:50 PM  The board voted all in favor to adjourn the Broadband MLP meeting and reconvene the BOS meeting

There was some discussion about a group home for five disabled women which the state is opening in a renovated house at 42 Pheasant Hollow Run. The contractor is Alternatives and they will host an open house in the spring. A notice was shared about the Gates Road/Four Corners neighborhood being considered for National Register of Historic Places. A notice from Airbus corporation warned the town to take the term “Reverse 911” off its website as it was copyrighted by Airbus.

Minutes and Warrants
Board voted all in favor to approve regular meeting minutes for Feb. 9
They reviewed and approved vendor and payroll warrants: FY15 #17

It was reported that police department staff receive a $1,500 annual stipend for having EMT certification and going on medical calls. Two employees on the Highway Dept. do the same thing but do not receive any stipend, and get a lower pay rate (than their DPW salary) when they do go on a call. They discussed options and may consider simply upping hourly rate for time spent on EMT calls.  The board decided it needed some research.

8:35 PM  Board voted all in favor to adjourn.

Respectfully submitted,  Marie N. Auger, administrative assistant

BOS Referenced Documents: Parks & Recreation recommendation; FY’16 budget summary for library; deed for Woodlawn Cemetery lot; letter from Alternatives; letter from DCR; letter from Mass. Historical Commission

Marie Auger
Administrative Assistant
Planning Department